Grandpa by Cebu Temple
Such a privilege to be together!
Fixing lunch.
This is their kitchen where they hold church. See the chairs stacked up. On the table is orange tub with Jakes wash soaking.
Our mode of transportation. Hope it looks as good when we leave. Could use your prayers on that one.
Our front door..
Cutting lawn with shears.
Our drier.
Gate coming in to house. It is locked every night.
Inside front door. Norm on his desk. Printer and my computer. Kitchen with pink cabinets. White door is bathroom, then frig and you can sort of see stairs going up to bedroom. 15 to be exact that Norm exercises on several times during the night.
Kitchen table and pantry before going upstairs.
Also back door going to washer and drier.
All in one. Much better than most!
There you have it.
Love you